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Join our community of passionate individuals who are working together to provide educational opportunities for birth workers. Together, we can make a positive impact on the lives of mothers and babies everywhere.


 looking to make a difference 

 in the world of birth work? 


We are dedicated to promoting physiologic birth. We strive to provide a fun and engaging atmosphere for midwives, nurses, doulas, physicians, and students to come together and further their education. Let's work to build bridges between disciplines and support each other in our shared mission.

Come join us for an exciting weekend filled with learning and relaxation!

There is always room to grow! Check out the upcoming workshops we have planned for you!

Enjoy exclusive discounts and coupons offered only to Carolina Birth Junkie members!

Get Involved

Looking to become a sponsor or vendor at our next retreat?

We believe that everyone should be able to access the knowledge they need and practice their skills. Your support helps us continue to make events available at low costs. Thank you to all who support Carolina Birth Junkies and have been at the front line of our workshops and programs!

​If you have a service or product that you would like to spotlight at our annual retreat, come and be a vendor or sponsor! We have various options for all who would like to support Carolina Birth Junkies.


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Don't Miss a Thing

Join the community of passionate birth workers looking to support each other and continue to grow their skills and knowledge! Stay up to date on all the latest events and workshops coming up!


We offer discounts and scholarship opportunities for students

Students who are currently enrolled in a midwifery, doula, or other birth work program receive a discount on our memberships and a scholarship opportunity to our annual retreat and workshops throughout the year. We apply for Midwifery Education & Accreditation Council Continuing Education Units (MEAC CEUs) for all workshops and events facilitated by Carolina Birth Junkies. 


Your generous sponsorship helps to further education within the birth community by providing scholarships to student midwives, covering expenses for out-of-town speakers, and purchasing needed supplies for skills labs and workshops!


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Lori Gibson, CPM, LM, MBC &

Christine Strothers, CPM, IBCLC, Co-Presidents
Jen Kitchton, CPM, LM, MBC, Secretary
Brooke Atkinson, CPM, MBC, Treasurer
Julia Pelly, LMA, Director of Membership
Mya Hancy, CPM, MBC, Director of Social Media 

© 2023 Carolina Birth Junkies. Carolina Birth Junkies is a 501c-3 non-profit organization.

Website created by Catherine Sanchez

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